
Odisha Millet Mission

Odisha Millets Mission is a flagship programme of Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha. Special Programme for Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Odisha (Odisha Millets Mission) was launched by Govt of Odisha in 2017 to revive millets in farms and on plates. It emerged from a consultation between Government, Academia (NCDS) and Civil Society Organisations (RRA Network, ASHA Network and local NGOs). It is first of its kind of agriculture programme with priority on increasing consumptions in Odisha. Traditionally the highly nutritious millets formed a substantial part of the diets and the cropping system in the tribal areas of Odisha. Millets require less water and are more resilient to climate vulnerability. They are also cultivable in undulating terrain. Paddy gaining prominence in the Public Distribution System (PDS) has resulted in reduced consumption of millets, resulting in extreme cases of nutritional deficiency. It has also led to unsustainable cropping systems increasing the demand for water. Millets are the answer to address both increased crop failures and nutritional deficiency and need to be revived.