
Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Census, Economics and Statistics (ISACE&S)

Ministerial Responsibility

The Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmers' Welfare (DAC&FW)

Type of Policy Measure


Outlay for 2021-22 (in Cr)

374 cr

Source(s) or document link(s)


Introduced in 2014-15 in restructured form, and has six components viz. i) Agriculture Census (AC) ii) Comprehensive Scheme for Studying the Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops in India (CSSCCPCI) iii) Agro-Economic Research Centres/Units (AERCs/Us) iv) Planning, Management & Policy Formulation Scheme (PM&PF) v) Improvement of Agricultural Statistics (IAS) vi) Forecasting Agricultural Output using Space, Agro-Meteorology and Land Based Observation (FASAL)


The overall objective of this scheme is to collect, compile, and maintain a database of different facets of the agriculture sector, study and analyze the socio-economic conditions of the agricultural sector and provide policy inputs. However, each component of the Integrated Scheme has specific objectives.


  • Agriculture Census (AC) 
  • Comprehensive Scheme for Studying the Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops in India(CSSCCPCI)
  • Agro-Economic Research Centres/Units(AERCs/Us)
  • Planning, Management & Policy Formulation Scheme(PM&PF) 
  • Improvement of Agricultural Statistics(IAS) 
  • Forecasting Agricultural Output using Space, Agro-Meteorology and Land Based Observation(FASAL)

Institutional Framework

  • Agriculture Census: In each State/UT, there exists a nucleus unit designated as the State Agriculture Census Unit, responsible for coordinating Agriculture Census activities. 
  • Comprehensive Scheme for Studying the Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops in India: Under the scheme, field data are collected on the Cost Accounting Method by 16 implementing agencies from 8100 sample holdings spread over 20 states. The supervision of collection of the field-data is done by the Field Supervisors. Each Field Supervisor, on an average, supervises work of 10 field-men. Overall supervision of the data collection process, scrutiny and validation is with the Field Officer. Also DES officials regularly undertake field visits to monitor the data collection mechanism and administrative matters of all 16 State Implementing Agencies (IAs). In addition to this, CACP officials also make random visits in selected villages before finalization of their price policy formulation on recommendations of MSP of mandated crops. 
  • Agro-Economic Research Centres/Units: Carry out research studies by 12 Agro-Economic Research Centres and 3 AgroEconomic Research Units attached to Agricultural/ State Universities and Institutes to cover the entire country. 
  • Planning, Management & Policy Formulation Scheme: Holding National Workshop on Improvement of Agriculture Statistics. 50 
  • Improvement of Agricultural Statistics: The scheme is being implemented by DES in 26 States through State Agricultural Statistical Authorities (SASAs) as State implementing agencies. 
  • Forecasting Agricultural Output using Space, AgroMeteorology and Land Based Observation: FASAL scheme is a component under the umbrella programme Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Census, Economics & Statistics

Fund-Flow Mechanism

100% of the funds required for carrying out the work of Agriculture Census would be provided by the DAC on quarterly basis of each financial year.